Inclusion trough sport for children with developmental disabilities
Project for regional cooperation financed by Island, Lichtenstein and Norway through EHP and Norway Grants.
Family Forum with teachers from 2 Special Elementary Schools
Healthy lifestyle is the main goal in athletes progress
Special Olympics Slovakia educates teachers from two Special Elementary Schools about healthy lifestyle. The main topics were: healthy lifestyle in food, healthy lifestyle in sport, healthy lifestyle in drinking regime and overall how to disseminate these information to parents of young athletes.
1. Healthy lifestyle in food: education about food pyramid, amount of food, examples how big the portion should look like. We have found out that teachers and parents of young athletes understand the importance of food diversity but need to be educated in portion amounts and in food specification of young athletes with autism diagnoses. We teach how to get used to for new food healthy habits.
2. Healthy lifestyle in sport: education in Young Athletes Manual, Manual of Developmental sports and Fit 5 levels. Introduction of sports equipment suitable for young athletes and how to implement it in different environments.
3. Healthy lifestyle in drinking habits: Explanation why is drinking so important in sport during trainings (even in water) and, also during the days. Introduction of suitable water bottles, drinking steps during the day. Explanation why is not OK to drink sweet drinks and how to teach young athletes to drink plain water.
4. The most important was for educate teachers and parents to talk about sport and healthy lifestyle in other subject not just only during Physical Education.
The event was attended by 15 teachers from Special School for autistics children Jozefská – Bratislava and 18 teachers from Special educational centrum Nové Zámky