Na základe rozhodnutia Ústredného krízového štábu SR sa pre hrozbu nákazy koronavírusom (COVID-19) zakazuje usporadúvať akékoľvek športové, kultúrne a spoločenské podujatia na najbližších 14 dní. Podujatia 14. Majstrovstvá Slovenska Špeciálnych olympiád v plávaní a 3. Majstrovstvá Slovenska Špeciálnych olympiád vo florbale sa preto rušia. O náhradných termínoch Vás budeme informovať hneď, ako to bude možné na stránke aj na našom FB profile.
IMPORTANT: follow up memo on Coronavirus Guidance
Dear Staff,
As a follow up to our memo last Wednesday to all of you and due to recent developments tied to the global spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), including a case tied to a U.S. Special Olympics athlete, and the heightened risks for people with intellectual disabilities and the elderly, Special Olympics Programs worldwide are very strongly advised to suspend all sport training and competition activities and other activations involving our athletes through 31 March 2020, at which time the situation will be reevaluated.
Fundraising events that do not include Special Olympics athletes may proceed at the discretion of each Program, so long as Programs carefully assess the risk in collaboration with their local or national health agencies. This decision was carefully made after consulting with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and after reviewing the latest guidance from the World Health Organization.
In the coming weeks, we will work with leadership across the Special Olympics movement and continue to monitor and evaluate developments that may impact our athletes, staff and volunteers. We will also work with our communications network to coordinate with local and national health departments, while monitoring traditional media and social media channels.
These actions are necessary to ensure that we are doing everything we can to prevent transmission of the virus. We have prepared a list of frequently asked questions that you can reference on the topic of virus prevention and control.
Should you learn of anybody connected to Special Olympics, who may have contracted the virus, please alert Steve Borrelli and Jason Teitler immediately.
Please feel free to share with us any questions you may have.
We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation: the health and safety of our athletes and constituents are our highest priority.
Mary Davis
CEO, Special Olympics International