21. apríl 2022, Bratislava – Reakcia na vojnový konflikt na Ukrajine, pomoc utečenom z tejto krajiny, ale aj koordinácia aktivít športovcov s intelektuálnym znevýhodnením počas dvojročného obdobia pandémie sa stretli s pozitívnym ohlasom zahraničia. Aj preto našu krajinu prvýkrát navštívil jeden z najvyšších predstaviteľov organizácie Special Olympics – David Evangelista, prezident pre Európu a Euroáziu.
Špeciálne olympiády Slovensko (ŠOS) sa v rámci aktivít pre športovcov s intelektuálnym znevýhodnením počas posledných piatich rokov pozitívne zviditeľnili aj v zahraničí túto expanziu nezastavila ani pandémia koronavírusu. ,,Som nadšený a vďačný za prácu celého kolektívu tu na Slovensku, za inovatívne napredovanie celej organizácie a zviditeľňovanie povedomia o Special Olympics. Nejde len o rozšírenie počtu druhov športov, v ktorých organizujete tréningy a súťaže, ale oceňujeme prácu s mládežou, prácu so športovcami s viacnásobným zdravotným znevýhodnením a deťmi v programe MATP a Young Athletes. V neposlednom rade sú to aj projekty zamerané na inklúziu, zdravý životný štýl a distribúciu športových pomôcok a tréningových plánov do špeciálnych škôl,“ zhodnotil David Evangelista, prezident Special Olympics pre Európu a Euroáziu. ,,Často zdôrazňujem, veľký význam konceptu Špeciálnych olympiád hlavne pre rodiny, ktorým pri narodení dieťaťa povedia, že vaše dieťa nebude schopné chodiť, rozprávať, nebude mať v podstate žiadnu hodnotu pre spoločnosť. Špeciálne olympiády Slovensko sa pričiňujú vo vašej krajine o to, že mnohé tieto predpovede sa nenaplnili. A rodičia sa tešia zo športových úspechov svojich detí, ktoré si aj takto našli svoje miesto v živote.“
Podpora Ukrajiny a utečencov
Vedenie Špeciálnych olympiád Slovensko sa po útoku Ruska na Ukrajinu ako prvé rozhodlo nevyslať našich reprezentantov s intelektuálnym znevýhodnením na Svetové zimné hry, ktoré sa mali konať budúci rok v ruskej Kazani.
,,Bol to jasný signál celému svetu, na ktorý sme nadviazali. Športovcov s intelektuálnym znevýhodnením už od založenia organizácie Special Olympics International v roku 1968, spájal duch jednoty, pokoja a mieru. Aj preto sme založili program pre utečencov zo všetkých kútov sveta,“ hovorí David Evangelista. Špeciálne olympiády Slovensko pre utečencov z Ukrajiny založili Športový klub Special Stars, zorganizovali kampaň s názvom #Sme Special pre Ukrajinu, v rámci ktorej urobili zbierku. ŠOS aktívne podporujú utečenecké rodiny s deťmi s intelektuálnym znevýhodnením z Ukrajiny.
,,Sme jedinou športovou organizáciou na Slovensku, ktorej sa podarilo získať finančnú dotáciu zo zahraničia na pomoc Ukrajine, vo výške 25 000 USD. Príbehy ukrajinských rodín utekajúcich zo svojej krajiny sa nás vo vedení ŠOS nesmierne dotýkajú. Každá z nás je matkou, každá z nás cíti empatiu a prejavuje nesmiernu solidaritu,“ doplnila Eva Gažová, národná riaditeľka ŠOS.
Rozhovory o medzinárodnej spolupráci, aj večer s rodinami
Prezident SOEE David Evangelista sa počas návštevy Slovenska zaujímal aj o Majstrovstvá Európy v triatlone, o napĺňanie dohovoru OSN či európskej legislatívy smerom k dodržiavaniu nediskriminácie našich Special športovcov. Rokoval s Janou Žitňanskou, členkou Výboru NR SR pre sociálne veci, ktorej predstavil vízie Special Olympics International v rámci medzinárodných vládnych spoluprác. Významné bolo stretnutie s Chargé d´affaires Nicholasom Nambom. Avšak najemotívnejšie stretnutie bolo v rámci Family Fóra so slovenskými a ukrajinskými športovcami a ich rodinami. Večer sa niesol v duchu solidarity a vzájomnej pomoci, diskusií o vzdelávaní, inklúzii a zdravotnej starostlivosti pre osoby s intelektuálnym znevýhodnením. ,,Naším cieľom je optimisticky sa pozerať do budúcna, hľadať lepšie možnosti a príležitosti na šport, vnášať inováciu do Špeciálnych olympiád a všetko uplatniť pre lepší život rodín detí s intelektuálnym znevýhodnením,“ hovorí Eva Gažová. ,,Slovensko je malá krajina, ale vďaka činnosti Špeciálnych olympiád Slovensko ste už dlhodobo vzorom a inšpiráciou aj pre ostatné krajiny. Všetko, čo robíte, len v tom pokračujte, lebo to funguje,“ uzavrel David Evangelista, prezident Special Olympics pre Európu a Áziu.
21 April 2022, Bratislava – The response to the war conflict in Ukraine, the assistance to refugees from this country, as well as the coordination of the activities of athletes with intellectual disability during the two-year period of the pandemic have met with a positive response from abroad. That is why our country was visited for the first time by one of the highest representatives of the Special Olympics organisation – David Evangelista, President for Europe, and Eurasia.
Special Olympics Slovakia (SOS) within the framework of activities for athletes with intellectual disability during the last five years has been very positively visible also abroad and this expansion has not been stopped even by the coronavirus pandemic. The SOS regularly report on the achievements of our athletes at domestic and international events, bringing together athletes with and without intellectual disadvantages.
„I am excited and grateful for the work of the entire team here in Slovakia, for the innovative progress of the whole organisation and for raising the profile of Special Olympics. It’s not just about expanding the number of sports in which you organise training and competitions, but we appreciate the work with youth, working with athletes with multiple disabilities and children in the programme MATP and Young Athletes. Last but not least, there are also projects focused on inclusion, healthy lifestyles and the distribution of sports equipment and training plans to Special Schools,“ summarised
David Evangelista, President of Special Olympics for Europe and Eurasia.
„I often emphasize the importance of the Special Olympics concept, especially for families who are told at the birth of their child that your child will not be able to walk, talk, or be of any value to society. Special Olympics Slovakia is responsible in your country for the fact that many of these predictions have not come true. And parents are enjoying their children’s sports achievements, and they have found their place in life in this way too.“
After Russia’s invasion to Ukraine, the management of Special Olympics Slovakia was the first to decide not to send their athletes with intellectual disability to the Special Olympics World Winter Games, which were to be held next year in Kazan, Russia. „It was a clear signal to the whole world, which we followed up on. Since the founding of Special Olympics International in 1968, athletes with intellectual disability have been united by a spirit of unity, tranquillity, and peace. That is why we established a programme for refugees from all corners of the world,“ says David Evangelista.
Special Olympics Slovakia for refugees from Ukraine founded Sport Club named Special Stars, organized a campaign called #WeAreSpecial for Ukraine, in which they made a fundraiser of sales of representative parts of clothing.
„We use the financial proceeds to provide regular training, to purchase sports equipment for Ukrainian children and youth with intellectual disadvantages, as well as to provide Slovak language courses,“ says
Dominika Nestarcová, President of Special Olympics Slovakia.
SOS actively supports refugee families with children with intellectual disabilities from Ukraine. „We are the only sports organization in Slovakia that managed to receive a financial subsidy from abroad to help Ukraine, in the amount of 25,000 USD. The stories of Ukrainian families fleeing their country are extremely touching to us in the management of SOS. Each of us is a mother, each of us feels empathy and shows immense solidarity,“ added Eva Gažová, National Director of SOS.
During his visit in Slovakia, SOEE President David Evangelista was also interested in the implementation of the UN Convention and European legislation towards compliance with our Special Athletes‘ non-discrimination. In this matter he met with the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Zuzana Stavrovská, and the legal representative of the Special Olympics athletes, Jana Černáková. He also held personal talks with Jana Žitňanská, Member of Parliament and Member of the Committee on Social Affairs, to whom he presented the vision of Special Olympics International in the framework of international governmental cooperation. Significant was the meeting with the Chagé d’affaires of the American Embassy Mr. Nicholas Namba, who was informed, among other things, about the upcoming international event Special Olympics European Triathlon Competition, which will also be attended by the U.S. delegate Mr. Edwards Kester. However, the most emotional meeting was within the Family Forum with Slovak and Ukrainian athletes and their families. The evening was held in the spirit of solidarity and mutual support, discussions on education, inclusion, and health care for people with intellectual disadvantages.
“We closed the serious topics with a party. Our goal is to look optimistically to the future, to seek better options and opportunities for sports, to bring innovation to the Special Olympics, and to apply everything for the betterment of the lives of families of children with intellectual disability,“ says
Eva Gažová National Director.
SOS will host the first European Triathlon Championships in May (21st May 2022). ,,I will keep my fingers crossed for the event to succeed. Slovakia is a small country, but thanks to the work of Special Olympics Slovakia you have long been a role model and inspiration for other countries. Everything you do, just keep doing it because it works,“ concluded David Evangelista, Special Olympics President for Europe, and Asia.